85+ SEO experts you should follow on Twitter


Who are the most useful SEO tweeters to follow? In this post I’ve listed those I have been following for a while, as well as some other useful suggestions. 

After this article on ClickZ listing marketing leaders to follow, I decided I’d steal the idea for SEW and list some useful tweeters on the subject of SEO.

I’ve stuck to individuals rather than brands, just to keep the list at a manageable size. Please feel free to suggest any I may have missed…

So here we are, in no particular order. I’ve broken them up into Google staff, writers and SEOs, though there is plenty of crossover between these categories…

SEO practitioners

Dawn Anderson

Dan Sharp

Kevin Gibbons

Sam Silverwood-Cope

Nichola Stott

Hannah Thorpe

Gerry White

Kelvin Newman

Joost de Valk

Rae Hoffman

Ian Miller

Lisa Myers

Pete Handley

Stacey Macnaught

Ian Lurie

Malcolm Coles

Barry Adams

Mags Sikora

Phil Nottingham

Arnout Hellemans

Michael Gray

Rob Watts

Jamie Peach

Ross Hudgens

Glen Gabe

Nick Wilsdon

Dave Cain

Andrew Isidoro

Irish Wonder

Rishi Lakhani

Olga Andriendko

Shaun Anderson

David Mihm

Will Critchlow

Andrew McGarry

Greg Gifford

Dixon Jones

Glen Allsopp

Jon Henshaw

Emma McHale

Richard Baxter

Patrick Altoft


Danny Denhard

Gabriella Sannino

David Tutin

James Carson

Josh Salvage

Tim Aldiss

Usman Patel

Peter Young

Dave Naylor

Jon Earnshaw

Stephen Kenwright

Carl Hendy

Marcus Tober

Stephen Morris

Paul Shapiro

Andrew Martin

Dewi Nawasari

Malcolm Slade

Aaron Bradley

SEW writers and contributors

Christopher Ratcliff

Graham Charlton

Chris Lake

Tereza Litsa

Rebecca Sentance

Sam Underwood

Ryan Johnson

Andrew Betts

Andrew Girdwood

SEO writers and analysts

Barry Schwartz

Pete Myers

Cyrus Sheperd

Ann Smarty

Rand Fishkin

Matt Southern

Danny Sullivan

AJ Kohn

Loren Baker

Jennifer Slegg

Bill Slawski

Matt McGee


Gary Illyes

John Mueller

Matt Cutts

Eric Schmidt

For convenience, here’s the full list to add to your Twitter account.

Please suggest any great SEO accounts I’ve missed out, and we’ll add them to the list… 

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