
I was having a conversation earlier today about some of my favorite SEO resources and how I felt like they were flying under the radar.
So I decided to put together a list of my favorites that I feel aren’t shared or mentioned enough.
Not because I think these individuals deserve more views, but because I think the SEO community is missing out by not listening to what they have to say.
Bill Slawski and Ammon Johns have this hangout (almost) weekly. Most of the episodes have less than 80 views on YouTube so I think it’s safe to say that the vast majority of SEO professionals are not tuning into this, which is a shame because I genuinely think some of the best conversations in the industry happen here.
You can listen weekly on Tuesdays, but I usually watch sometime after the live broadcast, usually days or weeks later, and often multiple episodes in a row. I find it to be great background material to keep learning and thinking constructively while I work.
Another video resource which I’m surprised has such low view counts. Michael Martinez has a few different blogs where he writes about SEO (which you have probably read) but I find these videos to be incredibly insightful elaborations on some of the topics he’s already written about. Definitely worth a listen while you work as well.
This is probably the most followed resource in this list. A more general SEO news blog than the others mentioned, but I find Jennifer and the other writers at The SEM Post cover the most relevant news without being overwhelming.
Some of the other general SEO news blogs have a tendency to cover so much news (not that it’s a bad thing!) that it can be overwhelming and hard to keep up.
With other “large” SEO publications, you could easily lose hours reading articles which may not apply to you. This blog offers a happy medium so you can get the news you need while still having enough time to get your work done.
As the name suggests, this is an SEO blog geared towards experienced professionals. They cover a wide range of topics and most of the information here is highly actionable. Overall, I think they offer a great introduction into advanced SEO strategies for junior professionals hoping to expand their skillset.
I’ve referred to this website as the “obscure technical black metal of SEO blogs” before and I still haven’t come up with a better way to describe it. That’s exactly what it is. Obscure, fun and technical SEO posts focused more on the search engine side rather than the marketing side of SEO.
This isn’t as much a blog (though they do have one) as it is a compilation of open source SEO tools but I’m including this because I feel that it doesn’t get the love it deserves.
I think a lot of SEO professionals don’t realize that they can build incredibly useful tools with Google Sheets for absolutely free, and RankTank can help them do that.
I could copy and paste his name, but I’m just going to call him Tad because it’s easier for all of us. He has been writing great posts about SEO for a long time, and chances are you’ve read a lot of his articles already, but I don’t see his own blog being shared too often. He offers a fresh perspective on a lot of topics from SEO to social media and content.
Probably the most “content marketing” based resource in this list, NeoMam Studios have really great insight into creating valuable content and getting eyes on it. They also have some of the best (in my opinion) posts about scaling email outreach.
Even though this forum isn’t extremely active anymore (there are a few new posts here every once in a while, but scroll about half way down the first page on most of their forums and that’s where the posts from 2016 end), it is still a great resource to browse.
I don’t want to say this website is “dead” but you’re probably not going to get super up-to-date info here. Nonetheless, it is worth a mention because of its historical value.
Most SEOs try to do a good job staying updated on current topics, but reading what the industry was talking about in the past can be a great way to learn new things too.
At the very least, this forum is a giant rabbit hole to topics you may not have explored before. For as much as SEO changes nearly every day, it’s also surprising how much of the conversations have remained the same. Find some threads from before you started working in SEO and I promise you’ll learn something new browsing here.
This list started off much more extensive, but I managed to whittle it down to a handful. If a site could be found easily by Googling “SEO blogs” I removed it.
If they had a lot of social media followers, I removed them. If they were ad-heavy or otherwise blatantly promotional, I removed them. If they’ve been listed in a lot of “SEO resources” posts already, I removed them. You get the idea.
If there are any you think I missed, please let me know because I would love to know about them.
Anthony Randall is a link building dude at Rizolt.com and contributor to SEW.
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