Research: The integration of SEO and PR
[ad_1] 30-second summary: Experts have told us for a few years that SEO and public relations (PR) need to merge Are SEO and PR really integrating “in the wild”? In case you too searched the web about how this and found nothing considerably valuable, here are some answers for you Founder and CEO of Organic…
Is Google moving towards greater search equity?
[ad_1] 30-second summary: Search equity allows for your average business owner to compete on the SERP without being impeded by a lack of SEO-knowledge A more equitable SERP is a necessity for Google from a business and overall web-health perspective Google is pushing for equity on the SERP to a far greater extent The democratization…
Why progressive web apps (PWAs) are poised to dominate moving forward
[ad_1] 30-second summary: Progressive web apps (PWAs) offer app-like experiences without requiring users to download anything from an app store PWAs are also much less of a burden for developers than native apps, which require ongoing updates, review management, and shared profits with app stores Nick Chasinov, Founder and CEO of Teknicks, outlines a few…
How to best utilize the networks within Google AdWords
[ad_1] 30-second summary: Google networks can be tricky when deciding which ones are best for your goals and budget Three tips that will help you to utilize the networks strategically You first need to understand the difference before selecting a network Clean data is key when analyzing performance, so it is best to keep network…
Eight platforms helping small businesses in digital transformation
[ad_1] 30-second summary: Faced with global pandemic-triggered lockdowns, millions of businesses had to move their operations online Creating this “digital transformation” marketing strategy consists of multiple steps and tasks most small business owners have no time or budget to manage Luckily, multiple new and existing platforms have been coming up with plans and features targeting…
Five ways machine learning improves PPC advertising
[ad_1] 30-second summary: The machine learning-enhanced “Smart Bidding” capabilities available in Google Ads offer an easy way to see the campaign results you want while allowing you to take a more hands-off approach. You can use Smart Bidding on the campaign level or, if you prefer, you can apply it to your entire ad portfolio,…
Best practices and tips for optimization
[ad_1] 30-second summary: Optimizing images is an often overlooked aspect. While images might look great, they often end up with a filename that looks something like IMG982713.jpg that is not very descriptive. According to Internet Live Stats, there are 3.5 billion Google searches made every day. CannonDesign’s Vice President, Communications Director shares some key image SEO…
Taking your SEO content beyond the acquisition
[ad_1] 30-second summary: The typical advice around merely improving on the content already ranking at the top of the SERP is fundamentally flawed. SEOs often limit their content possibilities by thinking of SEO content from purely acquisitional point of view. Thinking of content from a branding perspective leads to differentiation and aligns with Google’s focus…
Eight simple steps to write epic product descriptions that boost conversions
[ad_1] 30-second summary: Issues with increasing your site’s organic traffic may be attributed to low organic CTRs. Creative title tags helps your site create a positive first impression. Limit your meta description to under 160 characters to avoid truncation. A well-optimized, keyword-rich URL can increase organic CTRs by 45%. Leverage the power of rich results…
Five hacks to enhance your organic CTR and rankings in SERPs
[ad_1] 30-second summary: Issues with increasing your site’s organic traffic may be attributed to low organic CTRs. Creative title tags helps your site create a positive first impression. Limit your meta description to under 160 characters to avoid truncation. A well-optimized, keyword-rich URL can increase organic CTRs by 45%. Leverage the power of rich results…